Apostle Talk: Future News Now!

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with Prince Handley




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In this message I want to alert you to the Coercion of Algorithms and HOW it can affect your SAFETY … and your LIFE!

AI runs off of algorithms, but not all algorithms are AI
neither are they all the same. They’re developed with different goals and methods. An algorithm is a step-by-step procedure for solving a problem or accomplishing some end.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the capability of computer systems or algorithms to imitate intelligent human behavior.

Most of us are familiar with 
China’s Social Credit System and the CCP’s ubiquitous use of surveillance. Online behaviour is monitored … and algortihms are KEY to everything. So HOW does this fit into Geopolitics, Prophecy and Your Health?


PLUS: Protect yourself and your electronic devices, cars, boats, solar and generators from EMP attacks!




For years the Chinese government has been using technologies to control its citizens in frightening ways. The internet is highly censored, and each person’s cell phone number and online activity is assigned a unique ID number tied to their real name. Facial-recognition technology is also increasingly widespread in China, with few restraints on how it can be used to track and surveil citizens.

The {China] Supreme People’s Court maintains a blacklist of people who the government alleges did not comply with court judgments, for example by not paying fines, but also things like failing to formally apologize to someone they are found to have wronged. Being on the blacklist now comes with harsh punishments. You might be unable to purchase high-speed train tickets, fly on an airplane, or send your kids to a private school. The government has prohibited more than 20 million plane tickets from being purchased.


An algorithm is a a step-by-step procedure for solving a problem or accomplishing some end.

The definition of an algorithm is “a set of instructions to be followed in calculations or other operations.” This applies to both mathematics and computer science. So, at the essential level, an AI algorithm is the programming that tells the computer how to learn to operate on its own.


What China and the CCP does “leaks” over to the USA and other countries. Online behavior is already a BIG part of what is monitors, and algorithms are KEY to everything. The basic goal is to process the vast USA dataand data from other countriesto create individual ratings which will determine YOUR access to most things … from travel to jobs.

A plan released just recently by the Beijing municipal government dictates that personal creditworthiness points will be used to reward and/or punish individuals―and companies―by granting or denying them access to public services like healthcare, travel, and employment. High scoring “Green Channel” people can more easily access social opportunities. Those who actions are disapproved of by the state will be restricted …even to having passports revoked.

One high profile system, which has already been used in USA for years, is Sesame Creditcreated by Ant Financialan offshoot of the Chinese online retail giant Alibaba.

Using a secret algorithm, Sesame Credit constantlys scores people from 350 to 950. WARNNG: It’s ratings are based upon info such as “interpersonal relationships” and “consumer habits.” Being friends with “low rated” people is NOT good … and buying video games gets you marked down!

Algorithms fuelor dictateHOW these surveillance tools operate … and AI facilitates the operation!


You can speak all you want to … but just not in a public forum: like a local School Board Meeting OR on Social Media. [Just look back to what has happened since January 2021.] Your actions are going to be monitored more and more. How many of the people arrested for alleged Jan 6th crimes never were in the area but some communication or relationship supposedly “tied” them to that event. Look at how the Government is atttacking Elon Musk who “healed” X (formerly Twitter) and exposed unfounded censorship by Government influence on the previous Twitter.

Across the world, governments have invested heavily in setting up a surveillance infrastructure. There are millions of cameras, but no one to monitor them 24/7. However, artificial intelligence (AI) can process every frame and present real-time analysis. The reason AI is making a vast impact is because of its self-learning capabilities. AI is constantly learning and improving. Error is minimized with every iteration and moves closer toor even better thanhuman error.

Algorithms “attempt” to influence you now whether you realize it or not. Surveillance of travel, purchases, relationships, recreation and spendingand soon thoughtswill be the next encroachment into YOUR life. The Biden Adminiistration is already funding cognitive research to develop HOW to influenceand thereby changeyour thinking. One way they will do this is by influencing what you SEE, HEAR and FEEL on News, Social Media and Entertainment … and by training people and shaping policy through NeuroScience. Read or listen to Smart Cities … Or Are They by Prince Handley [focus on “What To Watch Out For” at the end.]


That’s a very good question. It is the programmer who inputsinfluences—the algorithmic outcome (the answers) and many times with BIAS depending on the desired outcome: political, financial, spiritual or other ideological opinion or bias.

Look at the recent example of Google AI Gemini which would NOT allow a “white person” image on certain searches for George Washington. Gemini responded to a prompt for “a portrait of a Founding Father of America” with images of a Native American man in a traditional headdress, a Black man, a darker-skinned non-White man and an Asian man, all in colonial-era garb. Elon Musk accused Google of pushing a pro-diversity bias into its product. Experts have long warned that AI tools therefore have the potential to replicate the racial and gender biases baked into that information.

Evidence of racial bias in Google Gemini, Microsoft Copilot, Meta AI and ChatGPT has been proven.
Google’s public apology after its Gemini artificial intelligence (AI) produced historically inaccurate images and refused to show pictures of White people has led to questions about potential racial bias in other big tech chatbots. Gemini was asked why showing a picture of a White person was bad: “racial generalizations” have been used historically to “justify oppression and violence against marginalized groups.

Let me interject here. We are NOW at the 
entrance to the End Times. As we progress farther into the Last Days many demonic forces will be loosedmany are already herelook at what has happened since January, 2021. Lots of algorithms will be formulated (written) not only with ideological “bias” … BUT with demonic anointing: either by demonically inspired people OR by hybrid beings.



One whose DNA has been changed by genetic manipulation (synthetic biology)
A product of conception via sex between a fallen angel and a human woman.


There is a NEW form of eugenics
—not only being espoused but heavily financed in researchto create super-humans via genetic modification of human genes in eggs, sperm and early-stage embryos.

Heritable genome editing changes genes in eggs, sperm, or early embryos to try to control the traits of a future child. Such alterations would affect every cell of the resulting person and all subsequent generations. Read the book Enhanced Humans: Mystery Matrix by Prince Handley.

The Nephilim [giants or fallen ones] that were destroyed by the Flood in Noah’s day died; however the demons from Fallen Angels that inhabited them did not. You can read later in the Book of Numbers in the Tanakh (Old Testament) that they were back after the Flood. Again read my book: Enhanced Humans: Mystery Matrix.


Yes! In addition to Coercion of Algorithimswhile we’re talking about things that can mess your life upthere are external attacks from terrorists and enemy agents (both individual and foreign governments) that can set you back to the 1800’s literally. Things like EMP attacks that can shut down your automobile, your electronic devices, your hospital emergency centers, your military and police communications, your banks … and critical supplies.

In the aftermath of an EMP event, individuals and communities may face several challenges:

  • Loss of Communication: The disruption of communication networks can isolate communities, making it challenging to coordinate emergency responses and receive critical information.

  • Limited Access to Information: Without functioning electronic devices, access to news, weather updates, and emergency alerts becomes limited.

  • Transportation Disruptions: Modern transportation systems, which rely on electronic controls, may experience malfunctions, affecting travel and logistics.

  • Financial Transactions: Electronic payment systems can be disrupted, requiring a shift to alternative forms of payment during recovery.

  • Hospital and Emergency Operations: Electronic and necessary medical procedures plus critical supplies along with crisis communication.


Glad you asked. Study carefully [read or listen] to “Code Red: EMP Threat Urgent Priority” by Prince Handley. Then prepare by making sure you have the following on hand:

Electricity (Power)

Money (Cash, Gold, Crypto)


EMP shielding equipment and a Farady Cage

I recommend Lear Capital. 24 hour Risk-Free Purchase Guarantee! FREE information on HOW precious metals can help preserve your hard-earned assets. Just last year most Seniors lost 22% on their IRA’s. Find out what products are exempt from IRS reporting by Lear Capital. Lear is the Precious Metals Leader since 1997 with “Best-In-Class” reputation. Plus: Do NOT forget: Protect yourself from inflation! 
NOTE: Gold outperformed both Stocks & Real Estate by over 80% since the year 2000.

COMMUNICATIONS ~ I recommend having a Satellite Phone, a PTT Phone (Push to TalK), or a Satellite Radio (can be also used by groups). Establish communication backup plans using non-electronic means like two-way radios or signal mirrors. NOTE: You can BUY or RENT the communications devices I recommend.

MEDICAL SUPPLIES ~ I recommend Jase Medical. Use the DISCOUNT CODE “PRINCE” when checking out. Stock up with your necessary prescribed medicines and others, including Ivermectin and Amoxycillin. Lots of medicines are hard to obtain even now with China problems and supply chain interruptions. And it’s NOT going to be any better with the multitudes of illegal immigrants (many of whom are terrorists) in our country now Compare Jase Medical prices with Walmart, Walgreens and Target.. NOTE: Don’t forget to use the DISCOUNT CODE “PRINCE” when checking out.


PROTECTION FOR ALL YOUR ELECTRONIC DEVICES AND COMMUNICATIONS ~ You need an EMP SHIELD for your electronic and communication devices!
To mitigate the impact of an EMP on electronic devices and communication networks, I recommend: EMP Shielding. Invest in EMP shielding for critical electronic devices to protect them from damaging pulses. Protect your home, vehicles, radios, solar, generators, RV, motorcycles, boats, and 3-Phase setups.
Do NOT be left withut POWER!!! Use this DISCOUNT CODE “
princehadley” for $50 DISCOUNT on each item. (NOTE: forget the misspell … use it.) Or, shop with THIS LINK and $50.00 DISCOUNT will be appllied for EACH item purchased.

Also, PREPARE by doing the following:


Backup Power Sources: Have backup power sources, such as solar chargers or hand-crank generators, to keep essential devices operational during power outages. However, your best move is to PROTECT YOUR EXISTING ONES.

Data Backups: Regularly back up important data to physical storage and store in an EMP protected Faraday bag.


The effects of an Electromagnetic Pulse on electronic devices and communication networks are significant challenges in a technology-driven society. Understanding these effects empowers us to take proactive measures in EMP preparedness. And do NOT forget the impact of an EMP on transportation systems and the steps individuals, their neighbors, and communities can take to enhance their resilience in this critical area.


Defense customers and manufacturers alike know that that it’s those actors who can reliably access intelligence and act on it first who have the advantage. That’s where AI and algorithims play a very important part. But what about IF those systems are being directed against us by rogue terrorists OR enemies from within or abroad. As of January 2024, more than 7.2 million migrants had illegally crossed into the U.S. over the Southwest border during U.S. President Joe Biden’s administration—a number higher than the individual populations of 36 states.

A foreign government can easily provide an individual terrorist inside the USA with both the materials and the expertise to implement an EMP attack in local areas. [Again reference my teaching: Code Red: EMP Threat Urgent Priority” to see how an attack can be launched from a beer can! But think about HOW non-EMP [other type] attacks programmed with algorithms and directed at specific geographic OR technocentric operations by AI can cause chaotic rupture in society!


If you want to learn about “AI” go to Prince Handley’s teachings at the University of Excellence. The following teachings will also give you an IDEA of HOW AI may be used in the End Times by the antiChrist (FALSE messiahnot the REAL Messiah) and his Global Director of Religion: the False Prophet. This will cause a chaotic rupture in geopolitics while fulfilling prophecy in the End Times.

There’s More Than Artifical Intelligence – Part 1

There’s More Than Artifical Intelligence – Part 2

There’s More Than Artifical Intelligence – Part 3

There’s More Than Artifical Intelligence – Part 4

There’s More Than Artifical Intelligence – Part 5

There’s More Than Artifical Intelligence – Part 6

There’s More Than Artifical Intelligence – Part 7
The 4th Industrial Revolution & New AI – Part 8

Hopefully you’ve gained some enlightenment as to what forces may be shaping your future.





Stop using Google AND Gmail for your personal and private email communications. I recommend: Proton Mail or Signal or Telegraph for private communications and text and email. All of these are FREE. I use them all. I like the layout of ProtonMail best and you can use the Proton Mail for DOUBLE encryption.



[  ] Get off the grid as much as possible but prepare for chaos!

[  ] Take EMT / EMS Training so you can help sick or wounded people.
[  ]  Set up communication cells: Friends, Neighborhood, Community, Church / Synagogue.

[  ] Familiarize yourself with bartering. Have items you can trade for what you need.

[  ] Make sure you know Messiah Jesus personally … so you can PRAY and get direction.



Father in Heaven, I am not sure I know you personally.
Please forgive my sins and help me to live for you.
I ask your Son, Jesus, to save me and take me to Heaven when I die.
Show me the way every day, and help me to help others.”



If you prayed this prayer:

[  ] Start reading the Holy Bible every day (start first in the Book of John). 
[  ] Find a Church or Messianic Synagogue that preaches the Holy Bible and believes in MIRACLES.
[  ] Pray every day … tell God what you need, and ask Him to lead you.


Baruch haba b’Shem Adonai

Your friend,
Prince Handley
President / Regent
University of Excellence

Copyright © 2024 by Prince Handley


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In this message I want to alert you to the Preparation of the TEN KINGS that Bible speaks about several times not only in the Tanakh (the Old Testament_ but in the Brit Chadashsh (the New Testment).

These Ten Kings are a KEY element concerning End Time Prophecy … and they MAY be on the scene now. They may NOT know what role they are to fulfill
or even have a faint idea concerning prophecybut they will be KEY in helping the FALSE MESSIAH (the antiChrist) come into power. They will actually persuade the leaders of the nations AND leaders of the New Global Governance to elect the antiChrist (AKA “Beast”) to the office of Global Leader.




The Holy Bible mentionsor alludes to“Ten Kings” in different places; however in five main areas:

l 7:23-25 “The ten horns are ten kings who will come from this kingdom. After them another king will arise, different from the earlier ones; he will subdue three kings.”

Revelation 13:1-2
“It had ten horns and seven heads, with ten crowns on its horns,”

Revelation 17:3 “beast that was covered with blasphemous names and had seven heads and ten horns.

 Revelation 17:12-14 “The ten horns you saw are ten kings who have not yet received a kingdom, but who for one hour will receive authority as kings along with the beast. They have one purpose and will give their power and authority to the beast. They will wage war against the Lamb, but the Lamb will triumph over them because he is Lord of lords and King of kings—and with him will be his called, chosen and faithful followers.”

 Revelation 17:15-18 Then the angel said to me, “The waters you saw, where the prostitute sits, are peoples, multitudes, nations and languages.The beast and the ten horns you saw will hate the prostitute. They will bring her to ruin and leave her naked; they will eat her flesh and burn her with fire. For God has put it into their hearts to accomplish his purpose by agreeing to hand over to the beast their royal authority, until God’s words are fulfilled.The woman you saw is the great city that rules over the kings of the earth.”

These TEN KINGS have an important part to play in End Time Geopolitics with Satan.



There is already a “push” towards Globalism by many
international bodies and groups like WEF, CDC, and the UN,

I want to ALERT you to a development
that many are NOT aware of … Regional Globalism.


You can study my reachings on Globalism at the University of Excellence under One World.

The Holy Bible prophesies Globalism (which has been in the works for decades) and which the Holy Bible alludes to as a Global Key for the End Times (study Revelation Chapter 13) when the New Global Leader (the False Messiah or antiChrist) takes control for seven years.

However, I want to ALERT you to a development that many are NOT aware of: Regional Globalism. 
There is a “breaking away” by many nations that are in the Globalist movement to Regional conglomerates that meet their needs more specifically: by trade, by ideology, by self aggrandizement and by military protectionism.



There is NOT a common global consensus.

Instead of a common opinion, many countries
want to align with “like-minded” countries via

Other counties that specifically meet their needs
or provide trade and economic advantages.


The West (including the USA and EU) are being “left behind” in this regard.


But what is the REAL reason for this Regional Globalism? It is preparing the stage for the Ten Kings which major prophecy foretells. 



The TEN KINGS do NOT come into authority until either right before OR at the same time as the New Global Leader (the antiChrist = FALSE messiah)

These TEN KINGS align with the antiChrist and yield their power to him.

The antChrist needs the TEN KINGS to help him gain Global Control

We do NOT know if the TEN KINGS are revealed before OR when the Seven Year Tribulation starts.

The arch-enemy of Israel―and of humankind―will throw everything he can at Planet Earth before his prophesied demise by Mashiach. The Jewish prophet Yochanan [John] in Brit Chadashah (Hebrew New Testament), Chapter 17, shows that the New Global Governance Leader―the FALSE messiah (NOT the REAL Messiah)―will join to himself [at first be part of] ten geopolitical leaders to assist in his End Time policies. We also have record in this in Tanakh of the same in the Book of Daniel, Chapter Seven, verses 23-25.

These ten kings are ten geopolitical entities that have NOT existed before. They will make up a global alliance newly organized out of which the FALSE messiah will evolve. They will assist the New Global Leader in the―foolish and failed―attempt at opposing the return of the REAL Mashiach.

Could some of the powerful executives of MNC’s (MultiNational Corporations) provide the “work source” for the “10 Kings” referred to ten times in the Holy Bible?

In Tanakh, 
Book of Daniel, we read, He … will greatly honor those who acknowledge him. He will make them rulers over people and will distribute the land at a price.” (Daniel 11:39, NIV.) This is from a portion of Daniel’s prophetic description of the implementations of the New Global Governance Leader―the FALSE mashiach (antiChrist).

Daniel prophesies that “elites” of some status will receive mega rewards for their support of this end-time incarnate spirit of Satan
. Specific KEY people who acknowledge him and accept his authority will receive a reward of land. “Land” in its Aramaic form used here would also include “economic domain, property or geographic area.”

These “elites” are bought off for their loyalty … and made rulers over many! Then they assist the antiChrist by giving
transferring tohim their authority and power.

HaShem gave us prophecy so we could know where we are at … know where we are going … know what’s happening today … and know what’s happening in the future! Our job is to listen and obey … to work with Him in obedience for the salvation of Israel. PRAY, ask the LORD what He would have YOU to do.

It’s time for The Institute (the Mossad) to utilize agents who are filled with Ruach HaKodesh to initiate cyber infiltration of MNC (MultiNational Corporation) leaders and CEOs in order to monitor activity with regard to global and geopolitical control.

As time progresses, any systemic anti-Israel relationships of Multi National Corporations that have highly positive correlation of linear regression will be “highly suspect” as to End Time enemies of Israel.

Baruch haba b’Shem Adonai.

Your friend,
Prince Handley
President / Regent
University of Excellence

Copyright © 2024 by Prince Handley


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You will have to SEE yourself doing those BIG THINGS God has put in your heart … and then you will experience their fulfillment. Imagination is the ability to SEE both the REAL and the UNREAL. However, just because something is UNreal NOWin the presentdoes NOT mean it can NOT be REAL in the future.

The SECRET to MIRACLES is the ability to SEE in you mind’s eye … to imagine, or to “cut out” a vision in your mind of the thing(s) God has spoken to you about. And then to DECREE them.

What are your goals: The real DESIRES of your heartthe thngs you want God to do through you? How much time do you allocate to envisioning them? How important are your goals to you. It’s NOT enough just to write your goals down. You must SEE them in your mind’s eyecut them out in your imaginationand them SPEAK them.



To SEE with the eye of the mind … that is, to envision … can encompass the following:

Decision Making.

To cut out with the eye of your mind is to SEE IT
or to THINK ITupon the tablet of your heart or human spirit. This will enable you to experience MIRACLES … real miracles … for the glory of God!

In Job 22:28 we read,
“You shall also decree a thing, and it shall be established unto you. In the original Hebrew language the word decree is a primitive root form of the word “gazar,” which means “to cut out exclusively, or to decide.” In its primitive form it is used also as a quarrying term … as in cutting out stone from a rock quarry.


To DECREE means more than to say or speak. It conveys the meaning of cutting something out in the eye of your mind; that is, to envisionto make a visionto decide upon it, and confess it … and then it will be established unto you!


To DECREE is the progenitor of heart belief and mouth confession. It is BOTH the nucleus and all-encompassing embryo of initiating great moves of the Holy Spirit on Planet Earth. This is why we need to spend time meditating the Word of God. We are NOT talking about New Age type meditation―which can actually be used and energized by demonic forces. We are talking about meditation of God’s Word and Promises so we know how to work in alignment with our Father in Heaven, the LORD God of Israel.

When we meditate the Word of God we learn His principles;
we also learn WHAT He wants (what His will is for the nations and for us). We also learn how to please Him by living holy and doing His will: reaching people and nations with the Truth of Messiah. Then we can DECREE a thing because we have decided upon it … we have cut it out in our mind’s eye. We therefore BELIEVE it in our heart: the Holy Spirit has impressed the will of the Father upon our mind and deposited it in our human spirit.

We have seen the Will of God in our mind’s eye and have decided to implement it
. We decree it by Seeing, Believing, and Speaking. We ACT on our decision after we have HEARD from God and it comes to pass. We PLAN in the Spirit; we IMPLEMENT in the Spirit. We BELIEVE and KNOW that it will come to pass, and therefore we RECEIVE it for the glory of the Father. (Read Mark 11:23-24 in the Brit Chadashah, the New Testament).



Imagine = The faculty of creating mental images or concepts
of what is not actually present to the senses.

Meditate = See yourself performing by creating it in your mind.
Cutting it out in your mind’s eye.


“And not being weak in faith, [Abraham] did not consider his own body, already dead (since he was about a hundred years old), and the deadness of Sarah’s womb (who was about 90). He did not waver at the promise of God through unbelief, but was strengthened in faith, giving glory to God, and being fully convinced that what God had promised He was also able to perform.”

Romans 4:1-21

Faith is wonderful … but it is even better when you have a PLAN to go along with your faith.


If your plans fit into God’s plans …
you will have God’s faith …
and God’s faith always works!

YOU can bring MIRACLES and BLESSING to yourself, your family … and your country! Use your faith based upon God’s Word … envision, decide, decree!

Baruch haba b’Shem Adonai.

Your friend,
Prince Handley
President / Regent
University of Excellence



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This is a very important teaching. I want to share something with you that I have not only learned from experience … BUT also re-learned due to disobedience: by NOT obeying the directions of God.

We are living during the Entrance of the EndTimes. More and more demonic activities are being manifested: in government, in the arts, in religion, and in media. Just look backwards for three years!

Due to the sudden shift in the spiritual climate I am directed by God to warn you to make sure you use FAITH and PRAYER in your decision making. Also, to be sure of the decisions you are making: short and long term. Do NOT open yourself to demonic activity, oppression, or the results of making a decision which could subject you to attacks on your body, mind, spirit, relationships or your finances. Stay under the Anointing of God’s Spirit … follow your heart as God leads you.



If you’re NOT sure … then don’t!

Do NOT make rash decisions.

This is one of the greatest lessons I have learned in life.

Stay in the “peace” zone!!!When you feel pressured to do something … if you do NOT have peace about it―WAIT―do NOT go forward.

It is better to be at peace―to stay in the “peace zone” rather than to go ahead―even if it looks good!

This can be a trick of the enemy to get you in bondage and mental duress.

Pray about the situation. Do NOT let people, even friends, coerce you or persuade you to take action IF you do NOT have peace about the situation.

I promised God one time that I would never do anything, or take action concerning anything, that I was NOT sure about.

If I had a question about the situation, or if I did NOT have peace, I promised God that I would NOT go forward.

The reason I made this promise to God was that I got into a very difficult, and emotionally trying situation, as a result of a FAST―or, rash―decision that I made.

Lots of times people are emotionally distressed because of such uncertain behavior: going ahead of God!

For help with depression, study my teaching,
“Healing Mental Disease and Depression.”

Nothing can bind you if you will follow your heart and listen to God.

I am going to tell you WHAT to do if you are bound and have lost peace―that is, you have become emotionally disturbed―as a result of “going ahead of God.”

First, PROMISE God that you will NEVER do anything again unless you have peace about it. That is, you will make NO rash decisions.God loves you, my friend, and He does NOT want you bound by unwise decisions and actions. He paid the GREATEST price―the gift of His Son, Messiah Yeshua―that you could be FREE!

Second, ASK God to turn the situation around and smite Satan through it, and give you a BLESSING in spite of what you have done. Ask God for mercy. Read Micah Chapter 7, verses 7 thru 10 in the Tanakh (the Hebrew Old Testament).

Third, give a GIFT to God. As a result of God turning this situation around, and for His mercy and kindness in restoring you, promise God AHEAD OF TIME that you will give him a certain, specific gift … or that you will take a certain, specific action of love and/or sacrifice as a GIFT to Him.

Fourth, THANK God ahead of time―and every day―for His deliverance that He is going to show you. He WILL show Himself strong in your behalf IF YOU are sincere.


I trust this teaching will help you, my friend. I learned the SECRET I have shared with you the HARD WAY. And through the years, I have seen the manifold mercies of God as a result of what He taught me―even through my RASH decisions―even decisions that looked good, or that other people thought were good, but that I did NOT have peace about when I made them.


Yes, stay in “the zone” where you experience continual freedom: the “peace zone.”

Once there, stay there … don’t let anyone or anything get you out of the zone.

And if you need some help with direction, here are some scriptures for you:

Psalm 27:11
Jeremiah 42:3
I Kings 19:9-12
Isaiah 30:21

Now in additon I want you to learn HOW to follow your heart for those times when you
NEED to make a decision BUT would like more assurance from God or His Holy Wordl
Click on the links below:

Follow Your Heart – Part 1

Follow Your Heart – Part 2

Follow Your Heart – Part 3

Decision Making 101 (Book by Prince Handley)

I trust this teaching will help you, my friend. Now you go encourage, heal AND help others!

Baruch haba b’Shem Adonai.

Your friend,
Prince Handley
President / Regent
University of Excellence

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Hamas is doomed … and so are ALL of Iran’s terrorist backed organizations. But there’s more! The clergy, military, and political strength of Iran will be destroyed. Iran will become a nation that serves the God of Israel. You can bank on it because God Almighty said it.

If you listen or read my Sunday night messages on Social Media you will learn HOW this will happen. In this teaching I will discuss what is in the future for Israel AND the background of the Palestinians. I have several Arab friends: they are ALL for Israel and none of them are for the Palestinians who support Hamas.




Israel—whether realizing it or not—is going to win a major conquest over Muslim nations in the Middle East. And not just win … but plunder them, reaping great resources! No, I am NOT talking about the Ezekiel 38 ‒ 39 victory. I am talking about a conquest possibly before that: one that could happen at any time. Actually, there will be at least three (3) major Middle East conflicts that involve Israel in the future (See my teaching on Israel’s Future Wealth).

Conquest over Muslim forces in Middle East;

Ezekiel 38 ‒ 39 victory; and,

Battle of Armageddon.

NOTE: It is possible that the above two [#2 and #3] may be incorporated in one war; but two different conflicts (battles) when the Mashiach appears. That is, Ezekiel Chapters 38 and 39 could be the same event combination as Armageddon. They both include earthquakes and hail. However, I believe they will be separate conflicts for the reasons I present below.

Most people familiar with Bible prophecy realize there will be a conflict in the Middle East—fought in Israel—where G-d Himself will be “set apart” in the eyes of the goyim: the nations. When it is over, the whole world will realize that the conflict has been won by the LORD G-d.

And, probably many of the people familiar with this prophecy in Ezekiel Chapters 38 and 39 realize that it is NOT the same conflict as the Battle of Armageddon. This fact is very clear in that:


In Ezekiel 38, G-d sends earthquake(s), overflowing rain, hailstones and fire … plus disease and blood … upon Israel’s enemies. Also, Israel’s enemy goes into confusion and fights with each other.

In Ezekiel 39, 83% [five-sixths] of Israel’s enemies are either destroyed or overcome. And [one-sixth] 17% of the enemy forces are sent back to their home lands. [This translation is NOT in many NEWER versions but it is found in the King James Version.]

In the Battle of Armageddon (Revelation Chapter 16) we read of a great earthquake affecting the whole earth and hailstones the size of 100 pounds. However, there is NO mention of disease (pestilence) and blood; nor of fire and burning sulphur like in Ezekiel 38.


In Ezekiel 38 Israel is at peace in the land, brought back “Brought back out of the nations dwelling safely.” [Ezekiel 38:8] Also, the commanding enemy forces who attack Israel are from the North: parts of Russia, Turkey, Iran (all North of Jerusalem) with some allies in the North-East African region.

In the Battle of Armageddon (Revelation 16) Israel is NOT at peace … and we read that the whole world is involved as Israel’s enemies. It appears that this fits the time frame of “Jacob’s Trouble” during the last 42 months of the Great Tribulation: the last half of Daniel the Prophet’s heptad of seven years. [Daniel 9:27 and Matthew 24:15]

Then they gathered the kings [of the whole world] together to the place that in Hebrew is called Armageddon.” [Brit Chadashah / Revelation 16:13-14,16]




No and the Jews did not steal the land from the Palestinians:

There has never been an independent Palestinian state. A self-identifiable, self-ruling and recognized Palestinian entity never existed until the Arab Palestinian national movement in the 20th century.

The “Palestinians” were invented in the 1960’s to distract from the fact that the Jewish State was a tiny sliver of land surrounded by huge and hostile Arab states. Before that, Palestine was the name of a region, not the people.

Between World War I and II, part of Palestine’s land was owned by absentee landlords who lived in Cairo, Damascus and Beirut. The Jews legally purchased land from absentee landowners living in Arab capitals.

The Jews actually went out of their way to avoid purchasing land in areas where Arabs might be displaced. They sought land that was largely uncultivated, swampy, cheap and without tenants.

The Arab Higher Committee called for the Arab Muslims of Palestine to leave the area in 1948, so that the Arab states could crush the Jewish state by war without Arab civilians. The plan was that they would be able to return home in a matter of weeks. Instead, the Arab states lost the war, and began claiming that Israel existed on stolen land. It wasn’t until a couple of decades later that the Arab Muslims of the region began to refer to themselves as the Palestinian people.

Israel offered the Palestinians 97% of the land they claimed to be fighting for in 2000, making Israel the first and only country ever to offer them a state. This offer was rejected with no counter-offer. A similar offer was made in 2008 with the same result.

Israel voluntarily withdrew from Gaza in 2005, removing all soldiers and civilians, giving full control to the Palestinians in hopes of peace. The terrorist organization Hamas now controls Gaza and has launched over tens of thousands of missiles indiscriminately into Israel, resulting in multiple wars in the 21st century.

And, the Muslim people of British Palestine were granted a homeland… the Kingdom of Jordan. The PLO messed that up by revolting against the Jordanian government.

So now you know that the Jews have a wonderful future despite all that has happened to them in the past, including the Nazi Holocaust, the 1948 Arab attack, the 1967 Arab attack, the 1973 Arab attack on Yom Kippur, and the October 7th 2023 Hamas attack from Gaza.

Israel wins, my friend … and you can WIN, too …  IF you know the Mashiach of Israel personally: Yeshua HaMashiach (Jesus the Messiah). Look at some of the prophecies He fulfilled that were written in Tanakh centuries before and check out His fulfillment of these. What do YOU think would be the probability of fulfilling ALL these prophecies. Messianic Prophecies Fulfilled. (Scroll down past English, Spanish and French.)

Just PRAY this prayer ~

Father in Heaven, I ask you to reveal to me IF Yeshua is really my Messiah. I want to know Him. Please forgive my sins and take me to Heaven when I die.”

Baruch haba b’Shem Adonai

Your friend,

Prince Handley
President / Regent
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There was a FALSE discipleship teaching—The Covering Movement—that took hold in the 1970’s that was out of the pit of Hell. Thousandsmultitudesof fine Christians were ensnared in it. I remember one time I bought a gift to take to a Minister in that movement who was on their death bed. The person who took the gift said, “We will have to submit this to the Elders for approval.”

Another time a Pastor friend of mine—Reverend Cecil Pumphrey—was directed of the Lord to do evangelistic outreach at a university. He asked the leaders of a local church—the church was part of the False Discipleship and Covering Movement—if they would like to work with him in the evangelistic outreach at the university. They said, “No! And if you continue we will come against you with everything we have.”

You haven’t heard anything yet … READ ON!





BEWARE:  Watch in the future for heretical movements like the following I describe.


You have probably read (or heard podcasts) in some of my past teachings about the “False Discipleship” Movement or Shepherding Movement that gained momentum in the 1970’s. I call it the FALSE COVERING MOVEMENT where you were supposed to have a “covering” … a person over you. You “needed covering” and they would give it IF you did everything exactly like they instructed.”


There was a group of men called the Florida Four or “Ft. Lauderdale Five” such as:

Derek Prince
Robert Mumford
Charles Simpson
Don Basham
Ern Baxter


These men were all good teachers BUT they were all deceived about Christian Leadership and wrecked many families and lives and ministries.


About this time there was also a man named Bill Gothard [Institute in Basic Life Principles] who held seminars in auditoriums of 10,000 to 20,000 people. Gothard was NOT married (never married) BUT taught HOW families should be structured … and “covered.” Some feel that Gothard’s teachings were similar to the Shepherding Movement.


Many mainstream AND evangelical Christians were caught up in the Shepherding Movement. The result was a trick by Satan to kill evangelism. Here is what several victims of the Movement told Pat Robertson about the Shepherding Movement:


The Word and the will of God for our lives today should come first to the group of pastors that get together in a certain city… God reveals to them the purpose for the city and His purpose for the disciples.” “We are not a John 3:16 ministry. We are here to establish the government of God on earth.”


The architect of “the shepherding system” with one “shepherd/pastor” over eight to twelve individuals, was primarily Charles Simpson. Their strongest critics in the Charismatic Movement were myself and men of God like Pat Robertson, my friend Demos Shakarian, and David du Plessis. The Shepherding Movement seemed to diffuse about 1986 but with some areas of continuance in much the same way afterwards.


Pat Robertson saw the danger of the False Shepherding Movement and via CBN he pronounced the “Shepherding” teaching “witchcraft” and said the only difference between the “false discipleship group” and Jonestown was “Kool-Aid.”


I was used by God to inform many churches and people of this heretical Movement in the USA and other countries. I had NOT even heard what Pat Robertson or others taught about this Movement, however, I SAW its effects with my own eyes and witnessed what it was doing in the lives of wonderful Christian people. It stigmatized them and robbed them of spiritual power through its FALSEnot realdiscipleship. It seemed to be a tactic of Satan to quench true discipleship and the move of the Holy Spirit that occurred during the Jesus People Movement.


The relationships that were formed became known theologically as “covenant relationships.” Those involved had to be submitted to a “shepherd,” who in turn was submitted to another shepherd … and up the line submitted to the “Fab Five” or their representatives. If this reminds you of a pyramid scheme or Multi-level marketing scheme you’re probably right!


Effectively, if unintentionally, this put the individual in the position of having TWO masters– Jesus and a personal shepherd. With time the personal shepherd gains more power, as Jesus gets less. And in time, this creates a system where those who have unquestioning obedience to man are promoted. All kinds of ungodly things came in through these doors.


Several books have been written detailing the kinds of abuse suffered as a result. The scary thing about the whole system is that it started out with the intent of promoting accountability, and eventually enslaved people. When someone says “Who is your covering?” They are asking the basic Shepherding question. Ironically, Jesus was asked this same question by the Pharisees: “By what authority do you do these things?” His ministry was NOT submitted to them, and they didn’t like that so they tried to shut him down, but the work of the Holy Spirit was the validation of His ministry. 

And remember, the Enemy used CHRISTIAN LEADERS to effect his
purpose thru the False Discipleship … Shepherding Movement!


The Movement was so prevalent that at one point I thought: “HOW in the world will people ever see the light about this dangerous phenomenon?” I remember being invited to different “Shepherding” Movement churches in Chicago [they invited me because God was doing MIRACLES and I held large seminars in Chicago at McCormick Place] where I told the congregations point blank that “NO PERSON is your Covering … Jesus Christ is your Covering.” Many times, I had people ask me, “Who is your covering?” “Where do you submit?” I would always answer: “The Lord Jesus Christ.”


Pat Robertson said of the Shepherding Movement, “It is obvious that any movement which feeds upon itself will expire. Jesus gave to his church the task of holding forth the word of life to a world without hope. The obsessive desire to order and govern Christians will invariably cut the nerve of evangelism.” Jesus said to “feed my sheep.” Healthy, well fed sheep must reproduce. Jesus did not say “dominate sheep and prohibit them from reproducing.”


Bob Mumford sincerely repented several years later, as did Derek Prince. Both Prince and Mumford experienced years of fruitful ministry later.


My friend, the reason I am sharing this information with you is that for the last 35 years there has NOT seemed to be any such “deception” in the Body of Christ other than the anti-Charismatic sector and those who do NOT believe in the Scriptural Gifts of the Holy Spirit (1 Corinthians 12:4-11) and the Five-Fold Ministries (Ephesians 4:11).


Be diligent and WATCHMANY Jews are coming to Messiah Yeshua … and MANY people are receiving MIRACLES, breakthroughs and learning their AUTHORITY in the Kingdom, and operating in the Gifts of the Holy Spirit. The Enemy may try something in the future. Be ready to expose him and his lies!


And remember, the Enemy used CHRISTIAN LEADERS to effect his
purpose thru the False Discipleship … Shepherding Movement!

Baruch haba b’Shem Adonai.

Your friend,
Prince Handley


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When man’s union with God was severed by Adam’s sin in the garden man’s ability was severed from God’s ability. Man’s word was severed from God’s Word. Man fell from the realm of God’s ability into the realm of human ability. In the realm of human ability, man is dependent upon his own resources … and the resources of man are limited to his mind and his body.

The mind of man can only derive its knowledge through the senses of man’s physical body. That is your mind can only derive through the senses of sight, hearing, touch, taste, and smell … unless you’ve learned to derive through faith in God. When Adam sinned, he was no longer a faith creature, faith died. The supernatural was lost and reason was born. But today that can be changed in your life. You may say to me, “I’m already a believer. I already know the Lord, Jesus.” But are you moving in faith? Are you serving God the way you’d like to: where you want to, and when you want to? If so, that’s total freedom in Christ. If not, I’ve got the answer for you today. God is going to change your life and He’s going to make you everything you want to be!

In the book of Ecclesiastes we see that the preacher said, “Cast the breadthe message of God, the living breadupon the waters.” And if we do, we will find it after many days. He tells us to give a portion to SEVEN. (The number SEVEN in the Bible is the number of completion.) God created the world in six days and rested on the seventh day. But the preacher tells us to also give a portion of the breadthe message that people needto EIGHT. (The number EIGHT in the Bible is the number of new life.) He said to over-saturate. Now you may say to me, but aren’t you afraid of overkill? Not with a message of life. My brothers and sisters, we can flood the Word of God into all the earth and it will do nothing but bless and heal and encourage people to know and serve the Lord. Jesus.

I’ve got something I want to share with you. God told me to allow a miracle to be worked in your life. Now, do you know that you can allow miracles to be worked in the lives of others? If you’ll obey Godand as you continue to obeyGod will continue to bless you. I want to cast my bread upon the waters today. I don’t know how many are listening to me right now in the different radio stations that we’re on in the United States and other countries, but I’m going to cast my bread to YOU. I want you to be touched with the power and the healing love of God almighty and the learn how to loose the same into the earth: into every nation, tribe, tongue, and dialect that needs the bread of Jesus.

We give a portion to sevenand also to eightbecause someday the door may be closed to global evangelism or any evangelism!. I want to ask you a question, my friend, are there some clouds in your life today?

If there are some clouds, in your life, that’s good news. The Bible tells us when the clouds are full of rain, they empty themselves upon the earth. You see, it’s the rain that softens the soil that prepares the soil to receive the seed. It’s the rain of God’s Spirit that prepares the soil in your hearts and mind and life to receive the message of God. I don’t know what you’re going through right now, but the Holy Spirit knows.

I SEE IN THE SPIRIT that there are two musicians in a room somewhere listening to me now. I hadn’t planned to share this in this program, but I see you in the spirit. You’re ready to quit your music ministry because you’ve been hurt by a well-known personality. And the Spirit of God has told me right now to tell you: “To go on, God’s getting ready to use you more than he has ever used you before.”

My friends, be encouraged in the Lord today. Are there some clouds in your life today? That’s good news. The situation that you’re inpossibly a problemwhatever it is in your life, it seems to be even tearing your heart apart. The words I speak right now are preparing the soil in your life and heart to receive the God’s MIRACLES. God wants the BEST for you, my friend. You see the rain softens the soil to prepare it for the seed. And later on the other rains come and moisten the seed that’s in the soil preparing to germinate so the harvest can come to fruition. Rains come at different times in your life. One to prepare you to receive the message of God, another season to help the seed germinate and grow so the harvest can come forth in your life to bless the world around you. Be encouraged. If there are some clouds in your life today, they’re going to empty themselves and you’re going to be a fruitful, beautiful creation of God that will bless the world.

You know, clouds are beautiful and rain is beautiful, too. God told me years ago, if I would just obey and go to the streets and preach the gospel to the cities and the nations of the world He would bless me. You know, I moved out in faith and God touched my life spiritually, mentally, physically, financially and materially. God worked MIRACLES for me.

My friend, you don’t need to be structured to serve God. You don’t have to depend upon a big organization or a little one. All you need to do is learn how to lean on the Lord Jesus Christ and honor Him as your coveringand follow the Holy Spirit. Be a blessing to the church and to the world. God will take care of you.

I love to preach in the rain. One time God sent me to the streets to preach in a downpour of rain. I was drenched. I owned one suit in which I married and buried people and preached. My wife and I used to have a joke in the mornings. I’d get up and my wife would say, “Which suit do you want me to prepare today?” And I would say, “Well, why don’t you get the gray one ready?” Well, it was the only one I had. But one time when God sent me to preach in a torrent of rain, I ruined that suit. All the way home I remember thinking, “I’ve ruined my clothes.” My shoes were already becoming mildewed on the way home.

I started to be discouraged on the way home BUT God encouraged me and spoke to my heart, “You gave out and I will bless you back.” You know what? Within a day or twoafter ruining that only suit that I wore day by daya man called me from another state and said, “I cannot get your name out of my mind.” He said, “Do you need anything?” I said, “No, brother, I don’t need anything. I have Jesus Christ.” And he said, “Well, I’d like to buy you some clothing.” He said, “Meet me at the South Coast Plaza in Costa Mesa.

You know that man kept breaking hundred dollar Travelers Checks buying me clothes, and then giving you the change. He even got mad at me because I wanted to tithe out of the change. And I said, “Look, I’ve got a good enough thing going by paying God His tithes, don’t stop it now.” So he kept breaking these hundred dollar Travelers Checks, kept buying clothes for me and giving me the change. God blessed me back for those clothes that I ruined in the rain with eight changes of clothing plus a pair of new kidskin leather shoes. I want to tell you, my friend, God will bless you abundantly if you serve him and don’t look at the rain clouds. Don’t worry about the rain in your life. That’s a good sign. Just move in faith.

Just sow the message of the Bread of Life. Has the Holy Spirit been speaking to you concerning a need in somebody else’s life? As you see that need, go meet it. Don’t worry about the rain clouds! Not only will you be blessed by being under the anointing of the Holy Spiritbecause that’s where the action isbut you’ll also be blessed because you’ll receive back from God as you give out in pure motivation.


Baruch haba b’Shem Adonai.

Your friend,
Prince Handley

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You’re NOT supposed to HEAR anything bad about CHINA and CCP world domination.

You’re NOT supposed to SEE anything bad about CLIMATE change or legislation.

You’re NOT supposed to SPEAK anything bad about vaccines or COVID or CDC.




The sixth angel poured out his bowl on the great river Euphrates, and its water was dried up to prepare the way for the kings from the East. Then I saw three impure spirits that looked like frogs; they came out of the mouth of the dragon [Satan], out of the mouth of the beast [antiChrist] and out of the mouth of the false prophet. They are demonic spirits that perform signs, and they go out to the kings of the whole world, to gather them for the battle on the great day of God Almighty.” Revelation 16:12-14

China has become the world’s top exporter of of cars overtaking Japan in the first three months of 2023. China’s GDP is $33 trillion followed by US at $26.9 trillion with India at $13 trillion. Both China and India persecute Christians,

China is one of the most repressive governments in the world while “hiding” this fact form outsiders on their visits there. Thousands have been murdered at the hands of the Chinese government while many more have beenand are beingconfined to labor camps; not to mention those who have been and are being tortured.

China at the present time is cracking down on Sunday Schools in Christian churches: “No children allowed.” While many Christians have fled China amid the communist country’s crackdown on Christianity, others who’ve stayed say they are feeling the tightening restrictions and increased pressure against the churchespecially for youth.

China’s ruling Communist Party, under President Xi Jinping, has ordered that all religions must “Sinicize” [Sinicize definition, to make Chinese in character or bring under Chinese influence] to ensure they are loyal to the official atheistic party or face the wrath of the Communist regime. In the most recent enforcement, the government is cracking down on religions teaching youth. Churches are being raided, pastors detained, schools closed, and children are being asked about their parents’ reading habits.

The USA and the West should start building ALL pharmaceutical products and electric grid parts at home and STOP depending upon China. The same with chips and electronic devices necessary for communications and critical defense, medical and financial purposes.

Go here for a detailed study of China and Sino-Asian Emergence by Prince Handley.








The fourth angel poured out his bowl on the sun, and the sun was allowed to scorch people with fire. They were seared by the intense heat and they cursed the name of God, who had control over these plagues …” Revelation 16:8-9


Climate change and Green Energy havesince 2020―seriously damaged the economies of most nations.

Check out my teaching on Climate Legislation: the Inconvenient Untruth where I discuss TWO (2) postulates concerning Climate Change that are never covered by environmentalists, the media, or authors on the subject. Also, several resources are available for further study. Hopefully, IF you are involved in environmentalism―expending time or money―you may find another way to be more effective in helping Planet Earth and its inhabitants.

Global emissions like CO2 and methane are rising but as far as the USA is concerned our position should be Let China and India clean up their mess first, and we’ll wait until they catch up.” Both China and India persecute and murder Christians. Do you really expect them to be emissions honest and friendly?

None of the anti-carbon referendums proposed today are backed by scientific proof. This CHANGE will NOT make a difference EXCEPT to strap you with CONTROL and ESG social scores plus do away with lots of enjoyable lifestyle.

For example the “seeming” correlation of temperature to CO2 in the atmosphere. Al Gore states … and thereby presupposes … that the CO2 present in the atmosphere is causal to the rise or fall of temperature. When, the reverse is true: it is the temperaturethe sun has a lot to do with this!!!which is the casual effect for the amount of CO2 present in the atmosphere.

Gloabalistsmost of the nationshave CHANGED to dance along with the Climate Alarmists. In 19 of the “developed” countries the public views climate change as the TOP global threat. How did this come about?

Trick #1 ~ Climate Change is a lucrative enterprise. And don’t forget politicians.

Trick #2 ~ Global Warming allows governments to control you.



 They were given power over a fourth of the earth—power to kill people with the sword, by starving, by disease, and with the wild animals of the earth.” Revelation 6:8

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the Biden Administration caused LOTS of death plus mental and emotional sickness to many people including the most vulnerable: our children.

Big Pharma, Government and Media suppressed Early Treatment of people who had COVID. It helped with other medicines than the vaccine and by seeking help early. Big Pharma―and their investors―would NOT make BIG money this way.

Over 4,000 vaccine related deaths in USA … and over 10,000 “vaccine related” hospitalizations in USA.

NOTICE: The LIMIT to shut down a vaccine program is about 25 to 50 deaths.
For example:

Swine Flu (1976) = 25 deaths >>> shut down the program!

All vaccines in USA (in a normal year) about 200 deaths!

Compare the above LIMIT STATS to the OVER 4,000 COVID vaccine related deaths in the USA.

This is the most lethal, toxic, biological agent ever injected into a human body!

There were over 4,000 dead Americans … AND …
There were over 10,000 dead people in Europe that died in Day #1, #2 or #3 AFTER the vaccine! The Internet is full of these cases: Blood clots; Strokes; and sudden deaths.

What about the “spike protein?” Was it natural? Then WHY were we vaccinating for something that we have been told is NOT natural? And, what about other variants?!

Prominent world renowned virologists and scientists warn against this. The “Narrow Spectrum Antibiotic” in the COVID vaccine was setting the world up for a SUPER BUG!

And for sure do not HEAR, SEE, or SPEAK about IF there is a high degree of correlation showing Sudden Death Syndrome associated with timing of COVID vaccination. It is now accepted by mainstream medicine that the spike protein is the pathogenic part of the virus which is causing the platelet activation and blood clotting.

Do your own Due Diligence … study, research and PRAY.

Your body does NOT belong to the Government, or to Big Pharma, or to Big Tech, or to Major Media. They do NOT have the right to control YOU. We live in a republic where “Liberty and Justice” are for all. Your body was given to YOU by God. Make sure you know Him. If you don’t know Him, just PRAY this prayer:

Father in Heaven, I know I’m not perfect. I am a sinner. Please forgive my sins. I invite your Son, Jesus the Messiah, to take control of my life and save me. Help me to live for you while I am here on earth, and take me to Heaven when I die.”

Baruch haba b’Shem Adonai.

Your friend,
Prince Handley
President / Regent
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What is God asking you to do?

In 1976 the LORD told me to go to Rhodesia, which is now Zimbabwe, and preach the Good News with signs following. This, of course, included training people as Jesus commanded us in the Great Commission: instructing believers about the Baptism in the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in other tongues. Many MIRACLES happened.

I believe lots of bloodshed was avoided as a result of my ministry there as it preceded the nationalization of the country. A white minority government used to control the country until 1979. Following a brutal guerrilla war fought with two rival African nationalist organizations (Robert Mugabe‘s ZANU and Joshua Nkomo‘s ZAPU). Rhodesian premier Ian Smith conceded to biracial democracy in 1978.

However, a provisional government subsequently headed by Smith and his moderate colleague Abel Muzorewa failed in appeasing international critics or halting the bloodshed. Finally, the Republic of Zimbabwe was established and has remained so since 1980. The economic condition of the country has suffered terribly under its recent socialist government, as will probably the USA under the economic policies since 2008 which could well result in hyperinflation or stagflation.

In Germany’s Weimar Republic, there was a three-year period of hyperinflation between June 1921 and January 1924 where the German mark went from 4.2 marks per U.S. dollar to 4.2 Billion marks to the dollar. This rampant inflation was one of the reasons Adolf Hitler and the Nazi party came to power in that country.

During my time in Rhodesia I was taken out into the rural areas where, at 1 to 2 AM in the dark night, I would see hordes of people marching silently, inspired by Communist leadership, preparing for socialist revolt and overthrow of the ruling party. Economic conditions seemed unfair to the mass of the populace then … but nowhere in comparison to the terrible economic status of the country NOW and since 1979.

Zimbabwe is a more recent example of inflation run wild. At its peak in November 2008, inflation was running at 6.5 sextillion percent. Zimbabwe still has no national currency; currencies from other countries are used. The economy is wrecked under socialist Mugabe but God can break the curse of civil war. Mugabe’s death may bring it (he is 90). The young people I trained in Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe) can be God’s agents to bring an anointing from The Breaker to bring the country forward. “With men it is impossible, but with God all things are possible.” PRAY for Zimbabwe!

While I was in Rhodesia I was invited to speak at several public schools with age brackets corresponding to high school in the USA. In every one of the schools where I ministered the gifts of the Holy Spirit operated and God performed MIRACLES. At the first school where I ministered I taught on “Jesus, the Healer.” At the end of my teaching, I started to pray for students … but nothing happened. I asked God, “What is wrong?”

The LORD spoke to me and said, “I don’t want you to pray for the students. I want you to teach them HOW to pray for each other. Because when you leave, they will just say, ‘It was a white man who came to pray for us.'” I did what God told me. I began having the students lay hands on each other and every one I know of who needed healing was healed. In every school I went to after that, I did the same thing. God would give me a Word of Knowledge about a condition in a student that I did NOT know (a condition in their body); I would call them out, and then have another student or students lay hands on them in Jesus’ name and they would always be healed. Many students received Christ as a result of witnessing the MIRACLES.

The saddest school where I went to minister was referred to as a “colored” school. The students were “mixed” from African and Caucasian backgrounds, with some from parents from India. You could feel the heaviness in the spirit of the students. They were persecuted by both blacks and by whites. But, praise God, after the Lord Jesus visited them they did NOT have that problem. The spirit of heaviness was broken and they experienced the JOY of the LORD!

One day while at lunch I overheard a man’s name mentioned in a conversation. He was the head over ALL media in Rhodesia. His name was Val Lunn. The next day, the LORD told me to go see that man. I did NOT know where he was, nor how to find him (I had merely heard his name mentioned). I knew that he was head of Rhodesian Broadcasting Corporation so I found out the address of that office. I did not have access to an automobile and there was no transportation available in the area where I was staying (it was a very exclusive area).

I started walking in faith. I was used to this as previously I had lived on the streets, preaching the Gospel, and used my feet to get me places for years. After walking a short distance, I heard an automobile stop beside me. A lady was driving, and she said in a very commanding voice: “Get in, sit down!” (I later asked God if he had any angels that looked like a lady!) She asked me where I was going. I told her the address but that I did NOT know HOW to get there. She drove me to the head office of Rhodesian Broadcasting Corporation.

When I arrived at RBC I told the receptionist that I wanted to talk to Mr. Val Lunn. She responded by telling me that he alternated offices, flying between Bulawayo and Salisbury, the capital (after 1982 it was named Harare), every other day. She said that Mr. Lunn would be back in Bulawayo where I was staying the next day. I left a note for him saying, “I am from California, USA, and the LORD told me to come see you.”

The next day I received a phone call from Mr. Lunn inviting me to come talk with him. I went to his office and shared with him the Good News of Jesus Christ. He told me he wanted to be saved and prayed with me, receiving Christ as His Lord. Then, I laid hands on him and he received the Baptism in the Holy Spirit and started speaking in tongues. While he was speaking in tongues, he had his eyes closed and I left his office and walked away. He did not know I had left.

A few days later Mr. Lunn called me and asked me to come to his home and baptize him in his swimming pool. He also requested that I lead his house servant to Christ, both of which I did. After being baptized, Mr. Lunn told me this: he said, “I want Christ to use me in the media.” Since he was head of ALL media in Rhodesia, including radio and television, I recognized it as a great open door for the nation to hear about Jesus.

When I returned to the United States I notified the top three Christian television ministries that Val Lunn wanted Christian videos and programming sent to him to air on TV. (Pat Robertson of CBN called me to ask about what God had done in Rhodesia while I was there.) None of the top 3 Christian TV ministries ever responded to Val Lunn’s request for video teaching. I even re-contacted one or two of them, but no response. I asked God, “Why don’t these ministries want to help?”

Then I realized, “God does NOT have to tell me ‘WHY.'” But I soon found out “WHY.” While I had been in Rhodesia I was holding a teaching seminar with several young black nationals. These young people were brilliant (two of them were bankers and drew European wages) but they had NO money. We met for the teaching sessions in an underground basement (there was NO floor above ground). There were buckets on the floor to catch rain water from ground level above. Every session that I taught I was impressed by the Holy Spirit to teach them, “Do NOT trust the God of the United States for your finances; trust the God of Elijah.” And, I taught a lot about the life of Elijah.

After I had been back in the USA for a few weeks I received a letter from the people I had been teaching in the underground seminar. They said, “We just made our first five (5) television shows!” Then I realized: “That’s WHY God did NOT want the top 3 TV ministries in the USA to send any programming to Rhodesia.”It was the time of nationalization. God wanted ALL BLACK programming. I had never connected these young people with Val Lunn … and I do NOT know whether he had sought them out … but GOD DID IT.

Even though there was a lot of bloodshed in the few years following, I believe lots of bloodshed was avoided as a result of my ministry in Rhodesia as it preceded the nationalization of the country, as many received the Good News on TV during this troublesome time.

By God’s grace we published and distributed thousands of Wordless Books in Zimbabwe. We supplied thousands to one missionary who baptized over 2,000 people and started over 800 churches there.

What is God telling YOU to do???

Remember, GOD DOES NOT HAVE TO TELL YOU WHY. Just obey Him!

Baruch haba b’Shem Adonai.

Your friend,

Prince Handley
President / Regent
University of Excellence

 Copyright 2014 Prince Handley
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For yearsin the USAthe government via the Federal Reserve System has been printing paper money to reduce the value of the USA Dollar. This allows them to pay back debts with cheaper money; that is, the money is worth lessas in “worthless”due to inflation. It’s just like anything else: more supply equals less value. The USA can NOT repay its debt, which is about 31 trillion dollars (that’s trillion, with a “T“).

You LOST 20% of your Retirement Savings in 2022
due to Biden’s  extreme spending!

In other words, the US Government via the Fed is stealing from you: it is reducing the value of your hard-earned money. Inflation is an unseen tax used to transfer wealth without the people (that’s YOU if you live in the USA) griping about a “visible” tax raise. However, since the Global Community is still at this time tied to the US Dollar, then YOU (no matter where you live) are being stolen from.

The next currency collapse is coming (more about that in future blogs). My assignment from the LORD is to prepare you. I warned people what to do as a result of the last BIG one (see my podcast of November 28, 2008). I may give you some investment suggestiions from time-to-time, but I am NOT a financial adviser … so you will need to pray and listen to God.



Deliverance ministry wil be needed with the coming:

Currency collapse

Deflation and Inflation (yes, both!)


There are several empirical laws concerning magnitude and frequency of geological shocks. Early warning system (EWS) models can be used to analyze, also, certain economic sectors of a society separately. Omori-law-like distributions (that are used for earthquake aftershocks) suggest that losses will be widespread around crises or recessions. Also, the “crises initiating” sector spread instability to the other sectors of the economy.

Bath’s Law

Gutenberg-Richter Law

Omori’s Law

There is a spiritual parallel to the natural. (This is because the Creator placed His ‘print’ on Creation.)

People (around the world … not just in USA) are becoming discouraged and increasingly angry at government AND government leaders. People are beginning to feel frustrated and “out of control” — because they have lost control to a government that does NOT listen to them … or represent them.

With unavoidable future changes in the economy … along with both future inflation and deflation (at different times) … many will be distraught and caught up into a web of mental anxiety by which demonic powers (evil spirits) will take advantage of and ride in upon and take control certain people.

In the future, true deliverance ministry will come to the forefront.

Once these evil spirits control the mind, they will augment their insidious attack to the spiritual and physical areas of the person afflicted. You may want my book Healing Deliverance in advance so that you will be able to effectively help people. Many ministries and Messianic synagogues will begin to minister with great power and compassion in this area as the critical need begins to surface.

Be aware of this. Pray that G-d will prepare you, protect you, and use you to bring the POWER of Yeshua to those who are afflicted and in despair.

Then certain of the vagabond Jews, exorcists, took upon them to call over them which had evil spirits the name of the Lord Jesus, saying, We adjure you by Jesus whom Paul preaches.

And there were seven sons of one Sceva, a Jew, and chief of the priests, which did so.

 And the evil spirit answered and said, Yeshua (Jesus) I know, and Paul (Rabbi Shaul) I know; but who are you?

 And the man in whom the evil spirit was leaped on them, and overcame them, and prevailed against them, so that they fled out of that house naked and wounded.

 And this was known to all the Jews and Greeks (goyim) also dwelling at Ephesus; and fear fell on them all, and the name of the Lord Yeshua was magnified.

 And many that believed came, and confessed, and showed their deeds.

 Many of them also which used curious arts brought their books (scrolls) together, and burned them before all men: and they counted the price of them, and found it fifty thousand pieces (drachmas*) of silver.

 So mightily grew the word of God and prevailed.”

 – Brit Chadashah: Acts 19:13-20

          *drachma = a silver coin worth about a day’s wages.

The reason I shared this with you is to prepare you. Demons neve die … they are spirits. They will burn in Hell forever, just like Satan and the anti-Christ (False Messiah) and the False Prophet … and all of their followers.

Prepare ahead of time … NOW … for this great coming need. In the future you will look around, see the tip of the iceberg in depression and hopelessness in the lives and faces of people.

Here are some resources to help YOU and to help you help OTHERS:

Frustration and Your Future – The Way Out

Dealing with Stress in the End Times

Pray and ask the LORD to use you as an instrument of compassion and deliverance in this area of need. And, make sure you are living for the LORD so He can protect and bless you.

For instruction and help in the areas of prosperity, deliverance and holy living go to:




Mortgage rates are pushing new highs for 2015. There are NO short term reasons. The stiuation is going to be long term. Investors in Europe bought lots of bonds bringing rates to all time lows, which helped the USA market. But they bit off too much … it’s over with! That leaves us with a couple of scenarios. If the long term move is over, that would definitely initiate higher rates. But if the long term move was also overdone, that would also cause a reversal back toward previous higher rates. 

To prepare for the coming economic collapse, here are three moves you should begin to pray about and/or do NOW:

1. Sell any property that is NOT your primary residence, unless you need it for business.

2. Buy small acreage on rural land near water (streams or river). If you want to buy more, that’s OK depending upon your personal setup. NOTE: In deflationary times, you can develop the property with less money … and whenor IFinflation takes off you can sell for profit.

3. Start taking SOME cash out of your bank(s). Note follow the process below BUT do NOT take out cash covered (protected) by FDIC Insurance:

$10,000 withdrawal will cause a CTR (Currency Transaction Report) on you to be registered with the Treasury Department.

If you think you’re smarter than the bank (and the teller) and you withdraw $9,000 it will probably cause a SAR (Suspicious Activites Report). It is “discretionary” on the part of the teller; however, if you do it twice, probably for sure a SAR will be registered on you. (Even if you wihdraw $3,000 on three (3) different occasions.)

Start NOW and withdraw small amounts. Then, go rent a storage place and hide it under filthy junk in a fireproof box. Or, wherever you think is safe.

The government uses reasons like drug trafficking and money laundering to win support for bad laws like the Bank Secrecy Act of 1970, which makes even small cash transactions potentially reportable to the Feds. The government does NOT like anonymity. It wants to know everything about YOU.

In Europe, some banks now charge customers for depositing cash. Negative interest is a “charge” for cash holdings and is deducted from the accounts. The idea is this: the government wants you to spend … not save. Other countries are watching this … and waiting for the right time to “lock” your cash in the bank, wanting you to only use digital transactions bycredit card, debit card, smart phone. One step closer to loss of YOUR anonymity and a “cashless” system under the anti-Christ, or False Messiah.

Cash is good in deflation … it will buy more.

Cash is good in a bad economy because you can buy bargains.

Cash is private.

Cash is hard to tax.

Volatility is reduced in other investments the less cash you have invested in them.

The main reason you will want to have “cash-on-hand” is because IF the banks shut down for a few days due to economic trauma, you will NOT be able to withdraw any cash..You need to be able to function.

Now is the time to establish a simple but strategically secure plan to prosper in the coming economic downturn. Do NOT wait until it happens.

Most of all, make sure you know the specifics of current geopolitical “hotbeds” and HOW to respond and to war intelligently. The following books will help you:




Baruch haba b’Shem Adonai.

Your friend,
Prince Handley



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